2020 Green River Fly Fishing Reports
January 1st, 2020
Green River Fly Fishing Report
Happy New Years ! We wish all of you the best in 2020 !
The fly fishing has been solid on warmer days. Streamers have been effective on all three river sections - especially on the lower stretches of the river. Small nymphs have fished well on the A section and Upper B Section. The takes on nymphs are very delicate as the fish are in their slow moving winter mode.
There are still a few brown trout spawning. Please respect the fish and avoid the redds. This will help allow the best fish in the Green River to pass along their genes.
A Section: Midge dry flies, small nymphs and streamers.
B Section: Fish small nymphs about 9 feet deep on the upper B Section. Streamers are fishing best on the lower B Section..
C Section: Streamers all day
Current Flow Level - 2,150 cfs - average Flows are fluctuating daily
Red Creek: Clear
Dry Flies
Best on sunny, calm days after 10am
Orange Asher #20-22
Spotlight Midge #20 black, grey
I Can See It Midge #20-22 black
Triple Double #12-18 black, brown, purple
Dark day, dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed should be slow for the lethargic fish
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Goldilox #2-6
Sex Dungeon - articulated in black, olive, white
Tungsten Buggers #2-6 all colors
Mongrel Meat - articulated in black
Bring your A game. Bring your A game. Bring your A game. Bring your A game. Bring your A game. Bring your A game. Bring your A game. Bring your A game. The takes are very soft and subtle.
Grey Soft Hackle #18-22
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 red, brown, wine, purple, black
WD40 #18-22 grey, olive, black, red
Black Beauty #20-24
Pheasant Tail #16-22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
For the most current updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram .
Many of the recommended flies listed in our river reports now have links for easy purchasing or tying videos - you can also visit store.flyfishfood.com
February 2nd, 2020
Green River Fly Fishing Report February 2nd, 2020
Happy Super Bowl Sunday / Groundhog Day ! The warm weather this weekend has turned the streamer fishing on. All three river sections have fished well, with the best action on the lower stretches of the river. Small nymphs are producing on the A section and Upper B Section. The takes on nymphs are very subtle as the fish are in their lethargic winter mode. The midge dry fly fishing is hit or miss with the best action from 10am - 2pm on warm calm days.
A Section: Fish small nymphs about 9 -10 feet deep in the middle and tail-outs of runs. Midge dry flies will produce when you find fish rising. Streamers all day.
B Section: Fish small nymphs about 9 feet deep on the upper B Section. Streamers are fishing well throughout the entire 9 miles of the B Section..
C Section: Streamers all day - try mixing up retrieval speed and colors.
Current Flow Level - 2,150 cfs - average Flows are fluctuating daily
Red Creek: Clear
Dry Flies
Best on sunny, calm days after 10am. 6X Tippet
Orange Asher #20-22
Spotlight Midge #20 black, grey
I Can See It Midge #20-22 black
Triple Double #12-18 black, brown, purple
Dark day, dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieve slowly. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
The takes are very soft and subtle. Use light tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #18-22
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 red, brown, wine, purple, black
WD40 #18-22 grey, olive, black, red
Black Beauty #20-24
Pheasant Tail #16-22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Higa's SOS black #18-20
For the most current updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . Many of the recommended flies listed in our river reports now have links for easy purchasing or tying videos - you can also visit store.flyfishfood.com
March 18th, 2020
Fly Fishing Report - Green River March 18, 2020
The local shops and hotels in the Dutch John, Utah area remain open. The restaurant at Flaming Gorge Resort is closed to dining inside, but they have curbside service, food to go, and are happy to deliver to your room as well.
We are still running guided trips and have had trips go out most days this past week. The fishing has been solid with streamers and nymphs. The dry fly action is hit or miss, with a few BWO dry flies showing up on cloudy days. A basic size #16 Parachute Adams will do the trick for trout rising on Blue Wing Olives.
The flows on the Green River are averaging 1,950 cfs. The flows are fluctuating from 1100 - 2400 cfs daily. This flow schedule will likely change in April.
Green River Flow Forecast Snow-pack in the Upper and Lower Green River Basin is currently at 108% of normal which sets us up perfectly for this summer!
Current Flow Level - 1,950 cfs average The flows are fluctuating daily
Red Creek: Muddy but still fishable on lower B and C Sections - subject to daily change
A Section: Fish small nymphs about 9 -10 feet deep in the middle of runs and tail-outs. Midge dry flies will produce when you find fish rising - the best dry fly action is on calm days after 10am. Look for a few BWO's around 1pm. Streamers all day.
B Section: Fish small nymphs about 9 feet deep on the upper 4 miles of the B Section. Streamers are fishing very well on the entire 9 mile stretch.
C Section: Red Creek has been muddy. Throw streamers all day - adjust your retrieval speed and colors to tempt them. Using a light sink tip fly line also helps.
Dry Flies
Best on cloudy, calm days. 10 am for midges 1 pm for BWO
Palomino CDC #20-22
Parachute Adams #16
Orange Asher #20-22
Spotlight Midge #20 black, grey
I Can See It Midge #20-22 black
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Craven's Dirt Hippie - rainbow
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
The takes are very soft and subtle - set on any indicator movement. Use light tippet 5x or lighter
Grey Soft Hackle #18-22
Rainbow Warrior #18-20
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 red, brown, wine, purple, black
WD40 #18-22 grey, olive, black, red
Black Beauty #20-24
Pheasant Tail #16-22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Higa's SOS black #18-20
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
April 9th, 2020
Green River Fly Fishing Report
We have suspended all guided fly fishing trips from late March through April 18th. We will continue to evaluate the Covid-19 situation on a weekly basis. Some of the local shops and hotels in the Dutch John, Utah area remain open - Flaming Gorge Resort and Dutch John Resort are open. Trout Creek Flies is shut down till May 1st. The restaurants at Flaming Gorge Resort and Dutch John Resort are closed to dining inside, but they are taking to go food orders.
The fly fishing on the Green River has been good. Streamers are still producing as are nymphs and small dries. There is a steady midge hatch in the mornings around 10am. There are some BWO's coming off but not in prolific numbers yet. Expect the BWO hatch to get better on a daily basis with peak dates typically being April 15-30. Wet, cloudy weather will produce the most action. The Blue Wing Olives on the Green River are grey not olive.
The flows on the Green River are averaging 1,950 cfs. The flows are fluctuating from 1100 - 2400 cfs daily.
Green River Flow Forecast Snow-pack in the Upper and Lower Green River Basin is currently at 105% of normal which sets us up perfectly for this summer!
Current Flow Level - 1,950 cfs average The flows are fluctuating daily
Red Creek: Muddy but still fishable on lower B and C Sections - subject to daily change
A Section: Fish small nymphs about 9 -10 feet deep in the middle of runs and tail-outs. Midge dry flies will produce when you find fish rising - the best dry fly action is on calm days after 10am. Look for a few BWO's around 1pm. Streamers all day.
B Section: Fish small nymphs about 9 feet deep on the upper 4 miles of the B Section. Streamers are fishing very well on the entire 9 mile stretch.
C Section: Red Creek has been muddy. Throw streamers all day - adjust your retrieval speed and colors to tempt them. Using a light sink tip fly line also helps.
Dry Flies
Best on cloudy, calm days. 10 am for midges 1 pm for BWO
Palomino CDC #20-22
Spotlight Midge #20 black, grey
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Craven's Dirt Hippie - rainbow
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
The takes are very soft and subtle - set on any indicator movement. Use light tippet 5x or lighter
Grey Soft Hackle #18-22
Rainbow Warrior #18-20
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 red, brown, wine, purple, black
WD40 #18-22 grey, olive, black, red
Black Beauty #20-24
Pheasant Tail #16-22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Higa's SOS black #18-20
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
April 27th, 2020
Green River Fly Fishing Report
We are open for guided trips and the fishing has been awesome! Most of the services in Dutch John will be 100% open on May 1st. The local restaurants are closed to dining inside, but they are taking to go food orders.
The fly fishing on the Green River has been really good. The nymph fishing has been very consistent with Zebra Midges, Grey Soft Hackles, WD40's and RS2's. The dry fly fishing has been hit or miss and is best on cloudy days. Streamers are still producing on the B and C Sections. One of the selective withdrawal tubes is down so the water temps are slightly below average for this time of year. This will prolong the BWO hatch and we do not think it has peaked yet. There are solid numbers of BWO's coming off but we have not seen a blanket hatch yet. There are also a couple verified cicada sightings.
The flows on the Green River are dropping to 950cfs - currently they are averaging 1,950 cfs. The flows will be at 1,450 on April 29th and drop to 950cfs till further notice.
Green River Flow Forecast Snow-pack in the Upper and Lower Green River Basin is currently at 105% of normal which sets us up perfectly for this summer!
Current Flow Level - 1,950 cfs average The flows will be dropping to 950 cfs
Red Creek: Murky but still very fishable on lower B and C Sections - subject to daily change
A Section: Fish small nymphs about 9 -10 feet deep in the middle of runs and tail-outs. Look for solid BWO's from 1-4pm. Streamers are hit or miss. The best dry fly action is on cloudy days after 2pm.
B Section: Fish small nymphs about 9 feet deep on the upper 4 miles of the B Section. Fish streamers and dry flies below Red Creek Rapid.
C Section: The BWO hatch is limited down there. There have been lots of humans self quarantining down in Brown's Park.
Dry Flies
Best on cloudy, calm days. 10 am for midges 1-5 pm for BWO
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Craven's Dirt Hippie - rainbow
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
The takes are very soft and subtle - set on any indicator movement. Use light tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #18-22
Rainbow Warrior #18-20
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 red, brown, wine, purple, black
WD40 #18-22 grey, olive, black, red
Black Beauty #20-24
Pheasant Tail #16-22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Higa's SOS black #18-20
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
May 20th, 2020
Green River Fly Fishing Report Updated: May 21
The fly fishing on the Green River has been solid for the past month or so. Cicadas started showing up last week - the are the most abundant on the A Section. While it is not cicada madness yet, it is still really good out there with the big bug. I believe that the fish have not gone crazy for the cicadas due to the fact that the water is a few degrees colder than normal for this time of year. One of the penstocks on Flaming Gorge Dam is down. The penstocks allow for the water to drawn from different depths from the reservoir. The repair cost is $5 million so if any of you have an extra $5 mill laying around we would all appreciate the donation!
The nymph fishing continues to be good with Zebra Midges, Grey Soft Hackles, WD40's and RS2's. These bugs also work great as a dropper below a cicada. The BWO hatch is still going strong and has been prolonged by the colder water temps. Streamers are still producing on the B and C Sections.
High water will start shortly after Memorial Day. We are only given 3 days notice as to its beginning and duration. We will keep you posted as information becomes available.
Green River Flow Forecast Snow-pack in the Upper and Lower Green River Basin is now well below average and currently at about 80% of normal.
Current Flow Level - 950 cfs
Red Creek: Murky but still very fishable on lower B and C Sections - subject to daily change
A Section: Dry or Dry dropper has been consistent. There are cicadas, hoppers and crickets and other terrestrial insects around. Fish small nymphs about 9 -10 feet deep in the middle of runs and tail-outs. Look for BWO's from 1-4pm. Streamers are hit or miss. The best big dry fly action is on sunny days after it warms up.
B Section: Dry dropper rigs are producing some solid fish. Nymph rigs 9 feet deep on the upper 4 miles of the B Section have also been extremely productive. Fish streamers and dry flies below Red Creek Rapid.
C Section: Big dry flies, droppers and streamers are your best options. There have been lots of humans self quarantining down in Brown's Park and the C Section has seen unprecedented pressure.
Dry Flies
Hot days are best for the cicadas use 3x tippet. 1-5 pm for BWO 's use 5 or 6x tippet
Triple Double #10-16 black, purple
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Craven's Dirt Hippie - rainbow
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
The fish spit false offerings out - be quick!. Use 5 or 6x tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #18-22
Rainbow Warrior #18-20
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 red, brown, wine, purple, black
WD40 #18-22 grey, olive, black, red
Black Beauty #20-24
Pheasant Tail #16-22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Higa's SOS black #18-20
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
June 11th, 2020
Fly Fishing Report - Utah's Green River
The flows on the Green River are dropping 350 cfs (about 3 inches) daily. The flow schedule is posted below. Flows will be at 900cfs on June 20th. The month of May was very dry and did not help our water supply. May is historically one of our wettest months.
The cicadas are out and very thick on the A Section - unfortunately there are not many present on the B or C Sections. The dry fly fishing on the A Section has been awesome and should only get better as the flows continue to drop. The B and C Sections should start to fish better soon but are both currently fishing average. The cicadas are small - size # 8-10. We have heard a few mondo cicadas but have not seen any yet. We believe that we will see them fairly soon as they tend to be on a 17 year cycle and 2003 was a banner year for them!
PMD's, Caddis, and Yellow Sally Stoneflies will also start showing up in the coming weeks.
Green River Flow Forecast It looks like we will have low flows all summer.
Current Flow Level - 3,900 cfs - Changing Daily
Red Creek: Murky but still very fishable on lower B and C Sections - subject to daily change
A Section: Cicada patterns are producing some amazing fish !
B Section: Dry dropper rigs and nymph fishing have been best. Below Red Creek Rapid fish streamers or dry dropper rigs.
C Section: Big dry flies and streamers are your best options. There have been lots of humans self quarantining down in Brown's Park and the C Section has seen unprecedented pressure.
Dry Flies
Hot, gusty days are best for the cicadas use 3x tippet. Any size #8-10 black bug will move fish.
Triple Double #10-16 black, purple
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Craven's Dirt Hippie - rainbow
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5 or 6x tippet
Iron Sally #14-16
Rainbow Warrior #16-20
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 red, brown, wine, purple, black
WD40 #18-22 grey, olive, black, red
Pheasant Tail #16-22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Higa's SOS black #16-20
Egan's Frenchie #16
San Juan Worm #10 red, orange, brown
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!

July 2nd, 2020
Fly Fishing Report - Utah's Green River
The Green River is fishing incredibly well right now. If you have small dry fly skills you can catch a lot of fish! Caddis, Yellow Sallies and PMD's are the main courses with a few terrestrials thrown in the mix for dessert. The cicadas were solid this year but they have seen their last days of 2020. The current hatches should last a few more weeks.
The flows are now stable at 1,020cfs. While this is not ideal it is definitely better than base flows of 800cfs. Flows are set to remain at this level until further notice.
PMD's, Caddis, and Yellow Sally Stoneflies are all sizes 14-16, with a few size 18 in the mix.
Green River Flow Forecast It looks like we will have low flows all summer.
Current Flow Level - 1,020 cfs
Red Creek: CLEAR - subject to daily change
A Section: PMD's, Caddis, and Yellow Sally Stoneflies
B Section: PMD's, Caddis, and Yellow Sally Stoneflies
C Section: PMD's, Caddis, and Yellow Sally Stoneflies
Dry Flies
Hot, calm days are best for the Caddis and Yellow Sallies. The PMD's hatch better on cloudy days. Any yellowish fly size #14-16 will move fish. 4x tippet for flies #14-16
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD #14-16
Triple Double #14-16 amber
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 4x or 5x tippet
Iron Sally #14-16
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-16 brown, wine, purple, black
Pheasant Tail #14-16
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Egan's Frenchie #16
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!

July 29th, 2020
Green River Fly Fishing Report
The Green River is fishing solid with terrestrials, droppers, and small dries.
There are Tricos out and the spinner fall is around 9am. The Tricos are more prolific on the lower river, but the hatch is slowly moving up the river. There are also some Yellow Sally Stoneflies, PMD's and Caddis still around on all 3 river sections. We have been experiencing afternoon thunderstorms so everyday has been a little bit different out there.
Try a purple fly on a cloudy day.
The flows are now averaging 1,740cfs. They are fluctuating daily from about 1,100cfs to 2,000 cfs daily.
Green River Flow Forecast It looks like we will have low flows all summer.
Current Flow Level - 1,740 cfs
Red Creek: CLEAR - subject to daily change
A Section: Terrestrials, and some Tricos, PMD's, Caddis, and Yellow Sally Stoneflies
B Section: Terrestrials, Tricos and some PMD's, Caddis, and Yellow Sally Stoneflies
C Section: Terrestrials, Tricos and some PMD's, Caddis, and Yellow Sally Stoneflies
Dry Flies
Calm mornings have been great for small dry fly fishing during the Trico spinner fall. The PMD hatch is solid on cloudy days.
Bionic Ant #12 purple, brown, black
Chubby Chernobyl royal, tan, purple #8
Morrish Hopper #10 tan, yellow, pink
Snookie brown black #8
Lawson's PMD #16-18
Improved Sparkle Dun PMD #14-16
Triple Double #14-16 amber
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 4x or 5x tippet
Iron Sally #14-16
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-16 brown, wine, purple, black
Pheasant Tail #14-16
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Egan's Frenchie #16
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
August 11th, 2020
Green River Fly Fishing Report
The Green River is fishing well with terrestrials, droppers, small nymphs and small dries.
There are Tricos out and the spinner fall is around 9am. The Tricos are on all three river sections. PMD's are coming off well on cloudy days. Size #18 PMD spinners have been fishing well in the mornings.
Our guides have mostly been fishing small terrestrials in the am and hoppers in the afternoon.
The flows have increased slightly and are now averaging 1,850cfs. They are fluctuating daily from about 1,200cfs to 2,200 cfs daily.
Green River Flow Forecast They are fluctuating flows for power generation.
Current Flow Level - 1,850 cfs
Red Creek: CLEAR - subject to daily change
A Section: Terrestrials, Tricos, PMD's
B Section: Terrestrials, Tricos, PMD's
C Section: Terrestrials, Tricos, PMD's
Dry Flies
Calm mornings have been great for small dry fly fishing during the Trico spinner fall. The PMD hatch is solid on cloudy days.
Bionic Ant #12 purple, brown, black
Chubby Chernobyl royal, tan, purple #8
Morrish Hopper #10 tan, yellow, pink
Snookie brown black #8
Rusty Spinner #18
Parachute Ant #16-18 black
Lawson's PMD #16-18
Indicator Para Trico #22
Triple Double #14-16 amber
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 4x or 5x tippet
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-16 brown, wine, purple, black
Pheasant Tail #16 -20
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Egan's Frenchie #16
Black Beauty #20-24
Yong Special #24
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!

September 11th, 2020
The recent snowfall on Green River has slowed the fishing down. The weather is supposed to get back up in the 70's which should bring the terrestrial dry fly fishing back to life. Small ant patterns and large Chernobyl Ants / Hoppers have been our best producers.
As for hatches there are some Pseudocloeons and Tricos coming off around 10am. Both bugs are very small - sizes 22 or smaller. The Tricos spinner fall is around 10:30am. Matching the hatch is very tough - try using a small ant pattern to tempt trout rising to these little dries.
Red Creek is running and turning the lower river off color. Streamers or big dries tight to the banks will move fish on the lower river.
The flows have decreased slightly and are now averaging 1,600cfs. They are fluctuating daily from about 1,200cfs to 2,000 cfs daily.
Green River Flow Forecast They are fluctuating flows for power generation.
Current Flow Level - 1,600 cfs
Red Creek: Dirty - 3 feet visiblity. It might get worse as the snow melts and usually takes 3-5 days to clear up.
A Section: Terrestrials, Tricos, Pseudocloeon
B Section: Terrestrials, Tricos, Pseudocloeon
C Section: Terrestrials, Tricos, Pseudocloeon
Dry Flies
Calm mornings have been great for small dry fly fishing during the Trico spinner fall. The Pseudocloeon hatch is solid on cloudy days with bugs still coming off on sunny days.
Bionic Ant #12 -16 purple, brown, black
Chubby Chernobyl royal, tan, purple #8 - 14
Morrish Hopper #10 tan, yellow, pink
Snookie brown black #8
Parachute Adams #22-24
Parachute Ant #16-18 black
Indicator Para Trico #22
Triple Double #14-16 amber
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 4x or 5x tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #22
Tungsten Zebra Midge #18-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Pheasant Tail #16 -22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Egan's Frenchie #16
Black Beauty #20-24
Yong Special #24
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
October 9th, 2020

The Green River is fishing slower than normal. The snowfall that we had in early September killed off a majority of the terrestrial insects. There are still some terrestrial bugs around - ants, crickets, beetles and hoppers but the takes are random and there doesn't seem to be a top producing pattern. There are Psuedocloeon and Tricos hatching around 10:30 - they are small , size 24. Matching the hatch is very tough on these patterns - try using a tiny Parachute Adams or ant pattern to tempt trout rising to these little dries.
The flows are decreasing daily and are now averaging 1,200cfs. They are currently fluctuating from about 1,000cfs to 1,6000 cfs daily. They will be dropping 50cfs per day until they reach an average flow of 950cfs on October 13th. This low flow level will be tough on the spawning fish as they will have little cover to help keep them safe from "eggers". Our trout numbers are down over the past few years, and targeting the spawning fish is highly frowned upon.
Green River Flow Forecast Dropping 50cfs daily.
Current Flow Level - 1,200 cfs
Red Creek: Clear - subject to daily change
A Section: Look for Pseudocloeons and Tricos to hatch in the mormings around 10am. On calm days there are pods of fish up on this tiny bugs.
B Section: The Pseudocloeons and Tricos to hatches are not as prolific on the B Section but there are some trout that will key into them around 10am.
C Section: Big dry flies and streamers are you best bet.
Hatches: Terrestrials, Tricos, Pseudocloeon
Dry Flies
Calm mornings have been great for small dry fly fishing during the Trico spinner fall. The Pseudocloeon hatch is solid on cloudy days with bugs still coming off on sunny days.
Bionic Ant #12 -16 purple, brown, black
Chubby Chernobyl royal, tan, purple #8 - 14
Morrish Hopper #10 tan, yellow, pink
Snookie brown black #8
Parachute Adams #22-24
Parachute Ant #16-22 black
Indicator Para Trico #22
Triple Double #14-16 amber, black
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 4x or 5x tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #22
Tungsten Zebra Midge #18-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Pheasant Tail #16 -22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Egan's Frenchie #16
Black Beauty #20-24
Yong Special #24
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
November 9th, 2020
The fishing on the Green River has been slow for the past month or so. Several factors are causing this - namely low flows of 900 cfs, and all the pressure that we had on the river this past season. 2020 was the busiest year ever on the river with use up about 50%. Streamers and nymphing have been the most productive techniques.
The brown trout are starting to get colored up and aggressive towards streamers. The low flow levels will be tough on the spawning fish as they will have little cover to help keep them safe from "eggers". Our trout numbers are down over the past few years, and targeting the spawning fish is highly frowned upon.
Green River Flow Forecast Steady Low Flows
Current Flow Level - 900 cfs
Red Creek: Clear - subject to daily change
A Section: Look for Midges to hatch in the mornings around 10am. On calm days there are pods of fish up on these tiny bugs. The trout are moving into their winter runs, nymph rigs around 9 feet deep have been best.
B Section: Streamers and nymph rigs have been the most effective..
C Section: The action has been slow. Streamers and dry flies. It is a sin to nymph on the C Section and you will receive years of bad fishing Karma for doing so.
Hatches: Midges
Dry Flies
Calm mornings have been great for small dry fly fishing during the Trico spinner fall. The Pseudocloeon hatch is solid on cloudy days with bugs still coming off on sunny days.
Haslam's Midge Adult #22
Midge Cluster #18-20
Griffiths Gnat #20
Parachute Adams #22-24
Parachute Ant #16-22 black
Triple Double #14-18 purple, black
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 4x or 5x tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #22
Tungsten Zebra Midge #18-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Pheasant Tail #16 -22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Egan's Frenchie #16
Black Beauty #20-24
Yong Special #24
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!

December 15th, 2020
The Green River is currently running at 1,000cfs. The best fishing has been using streamers on the B Section. The A and C sections have been hit or miss. There are a few midges on the A section - most of the fish are holding in their winter lies and casually feeding on small scuds and midges. 200 -250 grain sink tips will help get streamers in the feeding zone as the trout are not very aggressive in cold water.
The brown trout (and a few rainbow trout) are spawning. Please be respectful of reproducing fish and give them room to create future generations.
Green River Flow Forecast Daily fluctuations on the upper river..
Current Flow Level - 1,000 cfs
Red Creek: Clear - subject to daily change
A Section: The midge hatch begins in the mornings around 10am. On calm days there are pods of fish up on this little bugs.
B Section: The Streamer bite has been consistent. Red Creek Rapid can be very dangerous at low flows, especially in the winter months when you are likely the only boat on the river.
C Section: Streamers have been hit or miss. Fish them slowly and or swing them.
Hatches: Midges
Dry Flies
Warm mornings have been the best for small dry fly fishing. The midge hatch is best on calm days. Bring your A game. 6X tippet
Haslam's Midge Adult #22
Midge Cluster #18-20
Griffiths Gnat #20
Parachute Adams #22-24
Parachute Ant #16-22 black
Triple Double #14-16 amber, black
Orange Asher #22
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Heisenberg - black & Wyoming Cowboy
Drunk & Disorderly - articulated white / pearl
Galloup's Boogieman - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Tungsten Zebra Midge #18-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Pheasant Tail #16 -22
Black Beauty #20-24
Yong Special #24
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!