2024 Green River Fly Fishing Reports
Scroll Down for most current report
January 22nd, 2024
The flows on the Green River are currently fluctuating between 1,040cfs and 3,140 cfs (averaging 2,120 daily). Please be careful when wade fishing! Every 1,000 cfs is about a foot in river depth change. The streamer action on the Green River has been pretty good on all 3 river sections. Retrieve your streamers slowly and cover lots of water to get the most action. Due to the inconsistent flow schedule, the midge hatch has been sparse and the dry fly fishing very spotty. The midges tend to be thicker on the upper stretches of the river. Warm, calm days will provide the best shots for dry fly action - if you find trout rising stay there, as you may not find other fish looking up. For nymph fishing, focus on the middle and tail-outs of runs at about 9 feet deep. For Nymphing use a small streamer or an orange scud with a tiny midge above.
Current snow pack for the Green River is at about 77% of normal in the upper Green River Drainage and 88% of normal in the lower valley. Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at about 85% capacity.
2,120 CFS average
1,040 - 3,140 daily
CLEAR - can change daily
Fluctuating Flows
A Section: The lower half of A has been pretty consistent with streamers. The Midge hatch begins in the mornings around 10am. On calm days there are pods of trout up on these tiny bugs. The fish are holding in their winter runs, nymph rigs around 9 feet deep have been best. The strikes are very subtle, so swing on any movement.
B Section: Nymph rigs and streamers have been the most effective method on the B Section. Commit to streamers on lower B.
C Section: The action has been decent on streamers. Fish dark flies on dark days and tan, ginger or white on bright days. Dry fly action is little to none.
Hatches: Midges
Dry Flies
Calm days have been best for small dry fly fishing. 6x tippet
Haslam's Midge Adult #22
Midge Cluster #18-20
Parachute Adams #22-24
Parachute Ant #16-22 black
Triple Double #14-18 purple, black
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #22
Tungsten Zebra Midge #16-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Pheasant Tail #18 -22
Scuds #20-22 orange, grey, olive
Black Beauty #20-24
Yong Special #24
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
February 27th, 2024
The flows on the Green River are still fluctuating throughout the day for power generation. Please be careful when wade fishing, and also be aware of Rainbow Spawning Redds. Every 1,000 cfs is about a foot in river depth change. If you time your day right, you can stay in the higher flows most of the day on the B or C Sections. The streamer bite has been pretty good on all 3 river sections. Retrieve your streamers slowly, focus on slow to medium speed water, and cover lots of water to get the most action. The midge hatch has come on stronger over the past week or so. They begin emerging around 10am and the action is definitely better on calm, warm days. The midges tend to be thicker on the upper stretches of the river. Light tippets and soft presentations are needed to fool the trout on these tiny bugs. For nymph fishing, focus on the middle and tail-outs of runs at about 9 feet deep. Nymphing a small streamer or an orange scud are solid fly choices with the flows changing daily.
Current snow pack for the Green River is at about 86% of normal in the upper Green River Drainage and 109% of normal in the lower valley. Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at about 85% capacity.
2,020 CFS average
1,050 - 3,120 daily
CLEAR - can change daily
Fluctuating Flows
A Section: The lower half of A has been pretty consistent with streamers. The Midge hatch begins in the mornings around 10am. On calm days there are pods of trout up on these tiny bugs. The fish are holding in their winter runs, nymph rigs around 9 feet deep have been best. The strikes are very subtle, so swing on any movement.
B Section: Nymph rigs and streamers have been the most effective method on the B Section. Commit to streamers on lower B. You can find some midge action on upper B as well.
C Section: The action has been decent on streamers. Fish dark flies on dark days and tan, ginger or white on bright days. Dry fly action is little to none.
Hatches: Midges
Dry Flies
Calm days have been best for small dry fly fishing. 6x tippet
Haslam's Midge Adult #22
Midge Cluster #18-20
Parachute Adams #22-24
Parachute Ant #16-22 black
Triple Double #14-18 purple, black
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 1X tippet
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #22
Tungsten Zebra Midge #16-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Pheasant Tail #18 -22
Scuds #20-22 orange, grey, olive
Black Beauty #20-24
Yong Special #24
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
March 12th, 2024
Snow pack for the Green River is at about 97% of normal in the Green River Drainage. Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at about 85% capacity. We are looking great for Spring and Summer flow levels!
Currently, the flows on the Green River are very low most of the day (860cfs) with a huge bump (2,230cfs) from 6:30pm till 1:30am daily. The water is currently being managed for power generation, with optimal flows for angling success an afterthought. Flows are averaging 1,000cfs.
Despite the super low flows in the day, the fishing has been pretty good out there. There have been a few BWO's showing up, but not in numbers to get excited about. The midge hatches are still going strong on the upper B and A Sections. The streamer action on the Green River has been pretty consistent on all 3 river sections. The low flows tend to make the fish spookier though. Warm, calm days will provide the best shots for dry fly action - if you find trout rising stay there, as you may not find other fish looking up. For nymph fishing, focus on the middle and tail-outs of runs at about 9 feet deep. Nymphing a small streamer or an attractor nymph followed by a size 22 is a solid set up this time of year.
1,000 CFS average
860 - 2,230 daily
CLEAR - can change daily
Fluctuating Flows
A Section: The lower half of A has been pretty consistent with streamers. The Midge hatch begins in the mornings around 10am. On calm days there are pods of trout up on these tiny bugs. The fish are holding in their winter runs, nymph rigs around 9 feet deep have been best. The strikes are very subtle, so swing on any movement.
B Section: Nymph rigs and streamers have been the most effective method on the B Section. Commit to streamers, or dry dropper rigs on lower B.
C Section: The action has been decent on streamers. Fish dark flies on dark days and tan, ginger or white on bright days. Dry fly action is sparse, droppers will produce on the drop offs and shelves. .
Hatches: Midges, a handful of BWO's
Dry Flies
Calm days have been best for small dry fly fishing. 6x tippet
Haslam's Midge Adult #22
Midge Cluster #18-20
Parachute Adams #18
Parachute Cricket #10 black
Triple Double #14-18 purple, black
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #16-20
Tungsten Zebra Midge #16-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Pheasant Tail #18 -22
Scuds #20-22 orange, grey, olive
Black Beauty #20-24
Yong Special #24
San Juan Worm pink, orange #6-10
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
April 11th, 2024
Currently, the flows on the Green River are in the ideal range most of the day, 1,800cfs with a huge bump to 4,000cfs from 6:00pm till 1:00am daily. Flows are averaging 2,000cfs. This is ideal for the hatches as the aquatic insects thrive in the oxygenated water.
The Blue Wing Olive hatch has started and should ramp up over the next couple weeks! The BWO's on the Green River are grey in color and most are a size #16-18. They will get a little smaller as the hatch progresses into May. The hatch is weather dependent and can start as early as 11am or as late as 2pm. Sun is your friend as it warms up the water. Once river temps come up you will want cloudy or wet weather to trigger the best hatches. Nymphing at about 9-10 feet deep has been very productive, with solid dry fly action later in the day. The fish will move into shallower water when the Baetis hatch starts.
The midge hatch is also going strong in the mornings, allowing for solid subsurface fishing as well. On calm mornings you can find pods of fish up in the tailouts, bubble lines, and back eddies
Snow pack for the Green River is at about 110% of normal in the Green River Drainage. Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at about 83% capacity. We are looking great for Spring and Summer flow levels!
2,000 CFS average
1,800 - 4,000 daily
CLEAR - can change daily
Fluctuating Flows
A Section: The entire A Section is fishing great! The Midge hatch begins in the mornings around 10am, with the nymphs being active earlier in the morning. On calm days there are pods of trout up on these tiny bugs - especially in the scum lines. The fish get much more active when the BWO's start to emerge and tend to do most of their daily feeding in a 4 hour window. They will also move into shallower and faster water to chase the grey morsels.
B Section: Nymph rigs, dry-dropper and streamers have all been producing on the B Section. Commit to streamers, or dry dropper rigs on lower B.
C Section: The action has been good on streamers. There are also some BWO"s coming off, but not as thick as the upper stretches of the river. Red Creek can blow out anytime in the Spring, be ready to change fishing plans after hot or wet days.
Hatches: BWO's, Midges
Dry Flies
Calm sunny days, have been best for dry fly fishing. 5-6x tippet
Harrop's CDC Thorax BWO #16-20
Midge Cluster #18-20
Parachute Adams #16-20
Parachute Cricket #10 black
Morris May Emerger - BWO #16-18
Triple Double #14-18 purple, black
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Near Nuff Sculpin Olive, tan
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #16-20
Egan's Silver Bullet - Baetis #16-18
Harrop's Mayfly Nymph - BWO #16-18
Tungsten Zebra Midge #16-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Scuds #20-22 orange, grey, olive
Barr's Flashback Emerger - BWO #16-20
San Juan Worm pink, orange #6-10
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
May 1st, 2024
The fishing on the Green River has been great! The BWO hatch is going strong, with the best hatches of the season on the A & B Sections occurring over the past few days. The BWO's have been sparse on the C Section lately but the fish are still eager to eat them. The Bureau of Reclamation has been changing the flow schedule a lot lately for their power desires. This morning the base flow is 880cfs - yesterday the base flow was 1500cfs which is much better for the river and hatches. The flow schedule can be found on the links below.
The Blue Wing Olive hatch should stay steady into mid to late May. With warmer weather on the way, we should start to have more terrestrial and dry dropper opportunities. There are Crickets, Ants and Grasshoppers on the banks. Fingers crossed that we start seeing cicadas in the next couple of weeks!
The water clarity is slightly stained, as there are lots of creeks feeding the reservoir and river that are dirtying the water. You can still see 8 feet down to the river bed, it's just not the crystal clear water that we have most of the season. The off color water helps anglers get a little closer to the fish without spooking them.
The midge hatch is still going strong in the mornings, allowing for solid subsurface fishing as well. On calm mornings you can find pods of fish up in the tailouts, bubble lines, and back eddies
The best fishing most days has been between 1-3pm.
Our guess for high water to begin is May 28th - but that is a just a guess. We are only given 3 days notice as to when high water will begin and the duration. We will try to keep everyone informed on our social media pages as soon as we get news.
1,000 CFS average
880 - 1,530 daily
CLEAR - can change daily
Fluctuating Flows -The BOR will probably change flows again in a week as they have all of April.
A Section: The entire A Section is fishing great! The Midge hatch begins in the mornings around 10am, with the nymphs being active earlier in the morning. On calm days there are pods of trout up on these tiny bugs - especially in the scum lines. The fish get much more active when the BWO's start to emerge and tend to do most of their daily feeding in a 4 hour window. They will also move into shallower and faster water to chase the grey morsels.
B Section: Nymph rigs, dry-dropper and streamers have all been producing on the B Section. Commit to dry flies, streamers, or dry dropper rigs on lower B.
C Section: Dry dropper, dries or streamers. Nymphing on the C Section is a sin. There are some BWO"s coming off, but not as thick as the upper stretches of the river. Red Creek can blow out anytime in the Spring, be ready to change fishing plans after hot or wet days.
Hatches: BWO's, Midges, a few terrestrials
Dry Flies
Calm cloudy days, have been best for dry fly fishing. 5-6x tippet
Harrop's CDC Thorax BWO #16-20
Midge Cluster #18-20
Parachute Adams #16-20
Parachute Cricket #10 black
Morris May Emerger - BWO #16-18
Triple Double #14-18 purple, black
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Near Nuff Sculpin Olive, tan
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
Sunny days have been very productive. The A Section is fishing excellent with subsurface flies. There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #16-20
Egan's Silver Bullet - Baetis #16-18
Harrop's Mayfly Nymph - BWO #16-18
Tungsten Zebra Midge #16-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Scuds #20-22 orange, grey, olive
Barr's Flashback Emerger - BWO #16-20
San Juan Worm pink, orange #6-10
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
May 22nd, 2024
Flows are going up and will reach 6,600 cfs by tomorow morning at 9am. Flows are set at this level until further notice. It is very likely that they will rise to 8,600cfs for a couple days in the near future before they drop the flows to normal levels.
You cannot float under Taylor Flat Bridge! There are trees on the edges of the river that are in several feet of swift water and pose threats to boats as well. The Little Hole Trail is under water in many spots too.
These high flows will do wonders for the fish quality, and clear out most of the unwanted moss. They will expose sandy areas again and substantially help the aquatic insects. If you are headed out to fish in the coming days use bright colored worms and small grey scuds. The upper river will be fishable from Friday on. It will be a mossy / pine needle mess Thursday.
There are some cicadas out as well. Some years the fish will still eat the big dry at these flows. Here is some more High Water Info and a High Water Video.
Current snow pack for the Green River is at about 105% of normal. Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at about 86% capacity, Hopefully we get a solid base flow once the high water recedes.
6,600 CFS starting tomorrow
Dirty - will start to clear up in a few days
Flows will likley remain high until May 30th
A Section: There have been some cicadas on the A Section. The dry fly fishing was good before the high water releases. Look for good dry fly fishing at flows of 4,600cfs and below. Dropping flows = good fishing
B Section: It should start to be fishable from Saturday on. It usually takes awhile to clear up below Red Creek Rapid during these high flows. Should fish good at flows of 4,600cfs or lower
C Section: The C Section was fishing decent before the run off. It will be unfishable for a bit as all of the moss and debris upstream accumulates on down on C.
Hatches: Terrestrials, Blue Wing Olives, a few ciccads
Dry Flies
Hot and Sunny for Terrestrials - Overcast Days for BWO's 3x- 5x tippet
High Vis Chubby Chernobyl #10-14
PMX #8-10
Triple Double #10-14
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - slow. 0X tippet
Humungus black/gold
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Flossy Worm pink, purple, red, orange #10-14
Anderson's UV Juan pink, orange, red #1
Jig San Juan Worm - all colors #10
Wire Worm orange Pink Red Brown #4-10
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Tungsten Zebra Midge #16-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Pheasant Tail #16 -20
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
June 20th, 2024
Flows are going up on June 24th at noon and will reach 4,600 cfs for 3 days. The flows will begin to drop on the evening of June 27th. The flow schedule is below. The water has already been at 7,000 cfs this year so all of the junk is already flushed out.
WARNING - You cannot float under Taylor Flat Bridge at 4,600cfs!
The fishing recently has been below average for June. The low water and slim presence of cicadas are not making the fish as happy as normal. That being said, some days have been excellent. We have some cicadas on the A Section, and thousands of Mormon Crickets on the B and and C Sections. Yellow Sally Stoneflies, Caddis and PMD's have begun and we are still seeing small BWO's. The hatches should improve over the next week or so and will likely take off after the secondary high water event of the season recedes. 4,600cfs is a great flow for the river and tge guides know it well. It will make the wade fishing tough though. Flows are set to return to low water average of 950cfs on June 30th. Hopefully they will raise the base flow in early July to a more respectable level.
Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at about 86% capacity,
900 CFS average
Changing next week
Clear - subject to daily change
Flows will return to low flows of 950cfs on June 30th
A Section: There have been some cicadas on the A Section. The fly fishing is hit or miss out there with mixed reports from the guides. Water temps have gone up which should get the bugs and fish going.
B Section: Mormon Crickets are thick on lower B - most days, too thick. Upper B is great with dries or dry dropper rigs. The other hatches are getting thicker daily.
C Section: Mormon Crickets are thick in spots, and frequently change where they enter the water. There are lots of other bugs the fish will eat too.
Hatches: Terrestrials, small Blue Wing Olives, Cicadas, PMD's, Caddis, Yellow Sallies, Midges, Mormon Crickets
Dry Flies
Hot and Sunny conditions fish best - the river should be in prime conditions soon. The low flows make the fish spooky.
High Vis Chubby Chernobyl #10-14
Triple Double #10-14
Elden's Mother's Day Caddis #16-18
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - mixed. 0X - 2X tippet. Early mornings and evenings are usually best.
Humungus black/gold
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Egan's Frenchie #14-16
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Flossy Worm pink, purple, red, orange #10-14
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
July 16th, 2024
The Speirs fire near Flaming Gorge Resort is still burning. There are no major closures in the area. A huge thanks to all of the Firefighters that are keeping us safe!
The fly fishing on the Green River is good, but not easy. The hatches of PMD's, Yellow Sallies and Caddis are starting to wane. The low water flow during the day (985cfs) is making the fish skittish - long and accurate presentations will be rewarded. A lot of fish are keyed into size #20 PMD's, while others are willing to take the easier on the eyes size 16 PMD, Caddis or Yellow Sally. Big and small terrestrials are producing some solid fish as well! There are still a few Mormon Cricket stragglers around so be sure to bring a few giant dry flies in case you encounter them.
The fish are in great shape, and fighting hard. The current average size trout is 16 inches and thick.
Flows are 985cfs in the mornings, raising to 1,630cfs in the evenings.
Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at about 88% capacity,
985 - 1,630 CFS
Changing daily
55 - 59 F
Likely blew out yesterday
subject to daily change
Flows will hopefully continue to rise this summer
A Section: The Caddis are still pretty thick with PMD spinners, duns and Yellow Sallies around in the late mornings.
B Section: Some Caddis, PMD's show up in the am and last till around 2pm
C Section: PMD's and terrestrials are fishing best.
Hatches: Terrestrials, PMD's, Caddis, Yellow Sallies, a few Mormon Crickets
Dry Flies
Hot and Sunny conditions fish best . The low flows make the fish spooky.
High Vis Chubby Chernobyl #10-14
Triple Double #10-14
Elden's Mother's Day Caddis #16-18
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - mixed. 0X - 2X tippet. Early mornings and evenings are usually best.
Humungus black/gold
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Egan's Frenchie #14-16
Tungsten Jig TNT - PMP #16 -20
Grey or yellow Soft Hackle #18
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Flossy Worm pink, purple, red, orange #10-14
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
August 13th, 2024
Terrestrial season is upon us! The fish are eating small ants and beetles and also much larger offerings in the swifter water. Their are still a few PMD's on the B Section, with Tricos starting to show up on the C Section. The Tricos will continue to move up the river and should be on the B and A Sections fairly soon. The flows are much better now than earlier in the summer - ramping up daily from 1,000cfs to 1,960cfs in the evenings. The flows are about 1,600cfs in the day - depending on where you are on the river. The fly fishing is not easy out there, but persistence will pay off. There is a lot of moss on the edges of the river - look for moving water on the banks and fish in tight.
The fish are in great shape, and fighting hard. The current average size trout is 16 inches and thick.
Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at about 88% capacity,
1,000 - 1,960 CFS
Changing daily
56 - 60 F
Blew out yesterday
should be fishable in a couple more days
The Flow schedule will likely change a bit in September.
A Section: Terrestrials , Midges
B Section: Terrestrials, some size 20 PMD's
C Section: Terrestrials and Tricos
Hatches: Terrestrials, Tricos, and a few PMD's,
Dry Flies
Hot and Sunny conditions fish best . The low flows make the fish spooky.
Green River PMX Cricket #10
Parachute Ant #16-18
High Vis Chubby Chernobyl #10-14
Triple Double #16-18
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - mixed. 0X - 2X tippet. Early mornings and evenings are usually best.
Humungus black/gold
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Egan's Frenchie #14-16
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Tungsten Jig TNT - PMP #16 -20
Black Beauty #20-22
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Flossy Worm pink, purple, red, orange #10-14
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
September 17th, 2024
The fishing has been a bit tougher than average for this time of year. The morning bite has been slow, but the action picks up as the weather warms up. Terrestrials, big and small, are still producing. There are some grasshoppers around, but not in prolific numbers. Many of the guides are nymph fishing or throwing dry dropper rigs. Tiny nymphs are fishing best. Tricos, midges and Psuedocleoen (tiny BWO's) are currently most of the trout's diet. The moss this season is thicker than normal. The low flows of the early summer allowed the moss to get an early start this year, and then as the flows increased the moss had more room for extended growth. The moss is starting to break up.
The streamer bite has been hit or miss. Early morning or evenings are the most consistent times to throw meat.
Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at about 87% capacity,
850 - 1,810 CFS
Changing daily
55 - 58 F
Likely going to blow out from todays storm
The Flows will likely drop in October.
A Section: Terrestrials , Midges, Tricos, Psuedocleoens
B Section: Terrestrials, Tricos, Psuedocleoens
C Section: Terrestrials, Tricos, Psuedocleoens
Hatches: Terrestrials, Tricos, Psuedocleoens
Dry Flies
Action picks up around 10am
Green River PMX Cricket #10
Parachute Ant #16-18
High Vis Chubby Chernobyl #10-14
Triple Double #16-18
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - mixed. 0X - 2X tippet. Early mornings and evenings are usually best.
Humungus black/gold
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Black Beauty #20-22
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Flossy Worm pink, purple, red, orange #10-14
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
October 14th, 2024
The weather has been amazing this October with sunny days above average temperatures. The colors on the river and beautiful calm days have been incredible ! The catching has been a bit tougher than average for this time of year. The morning bite has been slow, but the action picks up as the weather warms up. Terrestrials, big and small, are still producing. There are some grasshoppers around, but not in prolific numbers. Many of the guides are nymph fishing or throwing dry dropper rigs. Tiny nymphs are fishing best. Tricos, midges and Psuedocleoen (tiny BWO's) are currently most of the trout's diet.
The streamer bite has been hit or miss. Early morning or evenings are the most consistent times to throw meat.
Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at about 87% capacity,
820 - 2,210 CFS
Changing daily
Clear - subject to daily change
56 - 57 F
The Browns will get in pre-spawn mode soon
A Section: Terrestrials , Midges, Tricos, Psuedocleoens
B Section: Terrestrials, Tricos, Psuedocleoens
C Section: Terrestrials, Tricos, Psuedocleoens
Hatches: Terrestrials, Tricos, Psuedocleoens
Dry Flies
Action picks up around 10am
Green River PMX Cricket #10
Parachute Ant #16-18
High Vis Chubby Chernobyl #10-14
Triple Double #16-18
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - mixed. 0X - 2X tippet. Early mornings and evenings are usually best.
Humungus black/gold
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
There are a large variety of nymphs for the fish to choose from. Use 5x or 6x tippet
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Black Beauty #20-22
Tungsten Zebra Midge #14-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Flossy Worm pink, purple, red, orange #10-14
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!
November 13th, 2024
Please respect the Redds !
The fish are in pre-spawn mode and very close to full spawn mode. Please do not stand on or anchor on the Redds!
The streamer bite on the Green River has been solid in the past couple weeks! The morning bite has been slow, but the action picks up as the weather warms up. On sunny days, Terrestrials, big and small are still producing. Psuedocleoen (tiny BWO's) are currently a large part of the trout's diet - they are hatching in the afternoons. The takes on nymphs are soft and subtle - bring your A Game.
Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at 86% capacity, Average Green River flows are set to be 900 CFS through November.
830 - 1,380 CFS
Changing daily
Clear - subject to daily change
Hatches: Midges, Psuedocleoens (small BWO), some Terrestrials
A Section: Midges, Psuedocleoens (small BWO), some Terrestrials
B Section: Midges, Psuedocleoens (small BWO), some Terrestrials
C Section: Some Terrestrials
Dry Flies
Action picks up around 11am. Wind is the enemy
Sparkle Dun Baetis #22
Nyman's DOA Cripple Baetis #20
Parachute Ant #16-18
Green River PMX Cricket #10
High Vis Chubby Chernobyl #10-14
Triple Double #16-18
Dark day dark fly. Bright day, bright fly. Retrieval speed - mixed. 0X - 2X tippet. Early mornings and evenings are usually best.
Kelly Galloup quote "Change your fly early and often"
CDC Jig Streamer
Humungus black/gold
El Sculpito tan
Cheech Leech - articulated all colors
Complex Twist Bugger - all colors
Galloup's Dungeon - articulated all colors
The water is low, use small nymphs and watch for subtle strikes.
Use 5x or 6x tippet
Grey Soft Hackle #18 -22
Scuds #20-22 grey, olive
Tungsten Zebra Midge #18-20 brown, wine, purple, black
Flossy Worm pink, purple, red, orange #10-14
For the most recent updates please follow us on Facebook and Instagram . We are happy to answer any questions about the river and can be texted at 801-885-0573. Thanks!